Thank you so much for making Saffron Wholesale such a huge success! It's been truly wonderful building relationships with each of you and supporting one another, especially through these past few challenging years. I myself am constantly learning and changing, as is this small business of mine. Wholesale has become a bigger part of Saffron Creations than I ever expected and has left me little time for my own creative process and collections. This has made me realize I need to take time to reconnect with my craft and reevaluate the direction of the business. I've made the difficult decision to put Saffron Wholesale on hold for a while.This is a scary decision to make, but I'm excited for the future.
What does this mean for you? I will continue accepting orders until midnight August 31st. After that date, the wholesale section of my website will be closed. If you place an order between now and then, please specify in the notes:
- What season you are purchasing for?, - Is it a summer, fall or holiday collection?, - Please tell me if you have a ship date in mind.
If circumstances allow, my goal is to have all orders shipped before the end of September. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns or just want to chat. I consider many of you my friends, and look forward to seeing each of your businesses continue to grow. I appreciate you all so much. Thank you!